The Power Of Finding Your Tribe
“Blow up the shark. Not just kill it, you have to blow it up!” Besides the fact that each is a legendary filmmaker, what do Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Brian De Palma, Francis Ford Coppola, and [...]
Write While The Heat Is In You: The Story Of Rocket Man And The Secret Of Inspiration
If you’ve ever belted out the lyrics to the Elton John song, Rocket Man while driving down the highway, you have Bernie Taupin to thank. Bernie is the longtime lyricist who wrote the words to most of [...]
My Punk Rock Puberty: Learning When To Quit And Avoiding The Sunk Cost Fallacy
The only thing that mattered to me growing up was to become a famous guitar player in a band. I wanted to travel the world with my best friends, exchange energy with a crowd. I [...]
The Connection Between Creative Flow And Human Consciousness
“A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity.” -Franz Kafka Darren Aronofsky is known for making films that push the human experience to the fringes. There’s the ecstasy ride of a desperate ballerina in Black Swan; the heroin-addicted [...]
How Loneliness Is Slowly Killing You
I wonder if a heart can rust… And without a heart, can one be an artist? By the end of the 19th century, Edgar Degas was one of the most famous French painters alive. Considered as [...]
Want To Change Your Life? Start Changing The Stories You Tell Yourself
Participate One sits in a small office. She is young with short blonde hair and an innocent red sweater. Across from her is Julia Shaw, a cognitive psychologist. She’s invited the participant to take part [...]